Current volunteer training

  • Working with vulnerable children

    The session discussed the directs effects of neglect and trauma on child development. It presents safeguarding structures and is presented after prior meetings with the safeguarding officer of each organisation that we work with. This session was originally funded by The ACSAR foundation and presents the information in way to ensure that the participants can fully reflect and embed the learning into their daily activities with displaced children.

  • Psychological First Aid

    Within the humanitarian context we are often exposed to situations that we are underqualified to work in. This session provides information and basic tools that the volunteer and aid worker can use to ensure the psychological safety of themselves, their peers and the beneficiaries in an emergency situation.

  • Management of trauma

    The session introduces basic trauma theory and discussed how it can affect the mind and body in different ways, the session includes grounding practices, a safe space meditation and a series of steps to take and contacts if further support is necessary.

  • Stress Management

    This session is designed to discuss the biology of stress and ways in which we can begin managing and combatting its negative effects. The session integrates theory, self -regulation techniques and a short meditation.

  • Gender based violence training

    This session examines the existing theories and definitions of gender based violence, Delivered by ‘Action for Women ‘ founder. The session discusses how GBV is a global problem taking into consideration intersectionality, global politics and socio economic contexts. The session contains guided meditation and grounding practises.

  • Sleep Hygiene

    This session touches upon the need to nurture sleep hygiene to ensure that we as humanitarian aid workers are the best version of ourselves. The session provided simple solutions based on scientific theory and supports the participants in their selfcare and wellness journey.

Support them to support others.